This will work only withe Flexi-PRO
This will limit the number of post to be submitted by visitors. Each users are grouped on based of roles. Hence we put limit over roles so that it applies all the users under it.
After the activation of Flexi-PRO you will see a new extension added at the Flexi-Settings -> Extensions. You must enable it before you proceed.
After it is enabled. You must click on save changes. So that it will add a new tab under Forms. That page can be accessed by clicking on blue tool icon as shown on above image.
At this page you have to enter the number of post each role can post.
Specify each user with total number of file allowed to upload
Set it as ZERO value (0) to disable upload.
Set it as NEGATIVE value (-1) will allow unlimited upload.
You must set Form Submission access: Only Members at Form settings.
Visitors can see the number of post submitted and limit status as User Dashboard.