This page lets user to submit the Flexi post. It can be used by visitors without login. But Flexi has options in settings to allow it only for member or disable form for the time being.
This is a page which is automatically created with required shortcode as soon as Flexi plugin is activated. All you have to do is link it to the menu where and user will able to submit the post.
This page use several shortcode and it is little complicated for first time users. The basic form is generated but you can add/remove the form fields as required. The default shortcode used is as below
[flexi-form class="pure-form pure-form-stacked" title="Submit to Flexi" name="my_form" ajax="true"]
[flexi-form-tag type="post_title" title="Title" value="" placeholder="main title"]
[flexi-form-tag type="category" title="Select category" taxonomy="flexi_cate" filter="image"]
[flexi-form-tag type="tag" title="Insert tag"]
[flexi-form-tag type="article" title="Description" placeholder="Content"]
[flexi-form-tag type="file" title="Select file"]
[flexi-form-tag type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Now"]

Later you can let your users to modify the submitted post.
Click here if you are interested to have your own custom fields. This will let you to have new fields like date, location, name, price so on.
You can also use Guten block form builder so that no need to memorize shortcode for basic forms. See the image below that how form can be build.